
Расшифровка славянского слогового и буквенного письма

Февраль 1, 2007

Runica and the Alphabet Writing

Автор 11:10. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

My reading the big inscriptions on the armor

Fig. 17. My reading the big inscriptions on the armor

First of all we can read the vertical dark inscription on the right side of the armor (to left from observer) between the chest and the belt: РУСЬ СЬЛАВАНЪ, i.e. SLAVS RUSSIA. Thus the Halstatt culture really is partly the Slavic one. Nearer to the edge of the armor is placed the vertical inscription too, but made lighter on the dark background ЖЕЛЕЗО, ЖЕЛЕЗЬНО ВОИНСЬТЪВО, i.e. IRON, THE IRON ARMY. Finally on the place of the center of chest is diagonally written bright on the dark РУНА ВЕНЕТЪ, i.e. VENETIC INSCRIPTION. It is already from these inscriptions we can solve the quarrel between the scholars: whether the Venetian were the Slavs or not. The answer is very simple: not only they were, but have entered in the Slavs Russia. And of course they wrote with the Runica as the main kind of the writing.

From the middle size and not so brilliant inscriptions we can analyze those of the left side of the armour under the chest where is drawn the word МОЛЮ, i.e. I pray, and twice РУСЬ СЬЛАВАНЪ, i.e. RUSSIA OF SLAVS. And on the right side of the armor near the slot for the man arm this inscription was repeated in the variant of STLAVAN, that means OF SLAVS. The character L was given in the old Latin writing as 1. There are not few then 4 groups of inscriptions of the same content else РУСЬ СЬЛАВАНЪ, i.e. RUSSIA OF SLAVS, but I shall not reproduce them, as they repeat the previous ones.

My reading the middle size inscriptions on the armor

Fig. 18. My reading the middle size inscriptions on the armor

The helmet from the Vač town. A very interesting part of the arm is the helmet of the V century BC found in the Vač town and now kept in Naravoslovni museum on Danube34. As usual the inscriptions on the helmet are almost invisible, being weakly different on color and contrast, and for their reading it is necessary to draw the helmet what was made by me. The inscription on the first vertical surface sounds ВОИНЪ, i.e. WARRIOR, it was put 2 or 3 times, and one inscription was a little higher than another. But the signs came to us in the different grade of keeping, so we have to use a bright sign of one inscription and to join to it the other sign of another one, and so on. Although this method allows us to read the proper word it leads us to an illusion that the signs were scattered in the arbitrary order, meanwhile they were placed in three lines one above another.

The general outlook of the town Vač helmet

Fig. 19. The general outlook of the town Vač helmet

On the flank side are drawn the words ВОЖЬ СЬЛАВАНЪ. РОТА СЬЛАВАНЪ НА ГОНЕ, i.e. THE SLAVS COMMANDER. THE SLAVIC HUNTING COMPANY. Probably these two inscriptions were obligatory to sign the profession (WARRIOR), the rank (COMMANDER OF THE COMPANY) and the kind of the troops (HUNTING or ATTACKING COMPANY). Of course it is difficult to compare the old ranks and the modern one, but the company commander probably has the rank of the captain. Thus we see the helmet of the junior officer (from the modern point of view), perhaps of a cavalry-man, belonging to the offensive troops, so called break-up company. May be that ГОН is on the contrary the pursuit of the defensive enemy.

The other inscriptions repeat the previous and not less 10-11 times on the helmet surface are written the words РУСЬ СЬЛАВАНЪ, i.e. SLAVS RUSSIA, and 3-4 places I could not analyze. If to take into account the invisible on this drawing surface the common quantity of the similar signs groups we can appreciate proximally in 3 tens. The word РУНА, i.e. INSCRIPTION was written several times too, but I suppose that no more then ten.

My reading of the inscriptions on the town Vač helmet

Fig. 20. My reading of the inscriptions on the town Vač helmet

Conclusions. From the analysis of the helmet and armor and all the previous samples follow some important conclusions. First, the Slavs existed undoubtedly already in the VII century BC, but did not appear in the V century AD, as affirm the modern historiography. With other words, 1200 years before the great folks settlement have exist not one Slavic state, but the whole Slavic Empire, the Russia of Slavs. Second, the Venetian do be the Slavs, and it is no modern investigators opinion, who came to this fact by the crafty suggestions, but the hard affirmation of the Venetian themselves, drawn on their armor. Third, there was not one Slavic state from VII till V centuries BC, but there were several ones (it is obviously that beside Noricus consisting from Slovenians there was Venetia from Venetians). Forth, as the all-Slavic language was used a tongue very near to the modern Russian, although there exist some other Slavs dialects and languages as Raethian, Etruscan and so on, which for the expressions of their peculiarities tried to create their own alphabets. Fifth, all the inscriptions for the all-Slavic communication were drawn with the all-Slavic syllabic script, the Runica. Sixth, it is not expelled that on the same artifacts the investigators will find simultaneously with Runica also the inscriptions in other writings, for example in Venetian, Raethian, and Etruscan and so on. And if the scholars will have a chance they will find the texts, where beside the Runica there will be some part of the national alphabets lines with the identical repeating of the Runica. And this will give the possibility to determine the meaning of a lot of the characters quite exactly.


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30.Tomašič Ivan. Razstava: Veneti na Slovenskem, s. 9

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33.Šavli Jožko, Bor Matej, Tomažič Ivan. Veneti..., p. 68

34.Tomašič Ivan. Razstava: Veneti na Slovenskem, s. 14

The first full variant of the article which was written in October 2002 and published as

35. Valery A. Choudinov. Runica and the alphabet writing // Proceedings of the International workshop TRACES OF EUROPEAN PAST. Ljubljana, založništvo Jutro, 2003, pp. 115-13

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