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Февраль 27, 2007

Russian Texts on the Ancient Greek Vessel Drawings

Автор 05:21. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Russian Texts on the Ancient Greek Vessel Drawings

Chudinov Valery


Russian texts on the Ancient Greek vessel drawings were revealed. The drawings were taken from the Mythology Encyclopedia (in two volumes) where were copied the outlook of the Ancient Greek vessels as illustration to the Greek myths. The Russian words were constructed from the different signs (mainly in Cyrillic) of drawing details, for example of the hero’s hair curlicues, of the clothes’ folds, of the boot-stripes and so on. On a drawing was written the name of the Ancient Greek state: “Grako-Sclavinova Derzhava”, i.e. “Greek-Sclavin State”. It means that so called “Ancient Hellada” was not pure Hellenes State, but mixed, composing of great bulk of Slavs (Graks and Sclavines). From these drawings Russian texts we can obtain additional information about the Greek mythology (for example, what was the matter not to take by Theseus the Minas daughter Ariadna) as well as about some ethnics and geographical names (for example: Theseus was a Slav). All the texts were written in Russian, the ancient language of international communication.

On the Greek vases I have met a lot of the inscriptions written in Russian by Cyrillic. After I was convinced that a number of figures contain the Slavic text entered in them, I have passed to regular studying images on the Greek vessels. I bring the most interesting figures and inscriptions in given article.

Aid and Persephone. As the first attempt I have decided to test a new method of research on the first image with kilik about 430 years up to AD, stored in London in the British museum. I began to examine illustrations of the Encyclopedia from article on the letter A and consequently among the first appeared Aid, represented semi lying together with his sitting wife Persephone (so it is spoken in accompanying text). In a hand he holds a bowl, fig. 1. It is a lot of the folds on clothes, but whether they are being read is a question. By virtue of that a vessel with red drawings, instead of black drawings, lines of folds on his clothes are visible much worse.

I start reading with on a stomach of the man, and I turn them on 90 grades to the right so the column of letters and marks is formed. I read it У АИДА (WITH AID), and hardly finer two marks more to the right are read as word ДАРЪ (GIFT). Little bit illegible inscription which can be understood as word СЬЛАВЯНЪ (OF SLAVS) adjoins to mark РЪ of this word. Then I read headdress of Aid where at the manipulation of colors (transit from positive to negative) it is possible to make out word ГОСТИТЪ (TO BE GUEST), and also top of his head under his hat - there some marks too demand the manipulation with color, forming word ГЕТЕРА (HETAERA). So, gift of slavs to Aid appears that STAYS with him HETAERA.

What it for such HEATERA which can be counted gift of Slavs? Still the answer to this question more to the right is read: word РУСЬ (RUSS, RUSSIA). So, gift of Slavs to Aid appears Russia. Then I read very many inscriptions on a right sleeve of “Persephone”, that is HETERA -RUS, and they give rather extensive text: RUSS FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF WHOLE CYCLE OF THE GRAK-SCLAVIN’S STATE (ГЪРАКО-СЬКЪЛАВИНОВОЙ ДЕРЪЖАВЫ). It - surprising lines! They assert that there was a uniform Greek-Slavic power; thus Greeks are named ГРАКИ (from the word GORA – MOUNTAIN and GORAKI or GORCI – MOUNTAIN INHABITANS) , and Slavs – СКЛАВИНЫ.

The surname “GRAKOV” in Russia is known; brothers Graks are known and in Rome. As if to SCLAVINS, such name exists at Slavic peoples which in medieval time occupied Germany in Mecklenburg. Thus, Greece at the time under investigation was not at all Hellada, that is not the country of Hellenes, but the Grako-Slavic state where, certainly, there was a Slavic language. And in the given picture, that Russia in quality of HETAERA metaphorically affirms, that is the educated and independent woman, has come on a visit to itself Aid, (metaphorically - to Greece) and from this moment the new cycle of development of the incorporated Grako-Slavic power on the Balkan begins. So Slavs were not only on Crete in structure of Kritovska Russia, they formed the uniform state with Greeks, that is territorially borders of Russia were much wider, than we can see on the vessel with image of Zeus and Prometheus.

Aid and Persephone

Fig.1. Aid and Persephone

Rather difficult inscription for reading is in area of a pillow. Hardly getting a grasp in it, I have decided, that there am written ARE PEACEFULLY TALKING (РЕЧАТ) that is PEACEFULLY CONVERSE. Brushes of hands at turn of this fragment on 90 grades to the left form an inscription IT IS TIME TO DRINK the WINE. At last, on a hair dress of hetaera tapes form marks of a word GLORY. So, such text has turned out: AID HAS GIFT of SLAVS - STAYS HETAERA-RUSS. ARE PEACEFULLY TALKING. RUSS from the very BEGINNING of the WHOLE CYCLE of GRAKO-SKLAVINOVA STATE. IT IS TIME TO DRINK the WINE. GLORY! Here I count total 21 words.

As well as on former kilik, the attribution of it is made inexact: not AID AND PERSEPHONE, but AID AND HETAERA “RUSS”. By the way, any specialist on antiquity as I believe, such hetaera as Russ does not know.

My reading of inscriptions on kilik

Fig. 2. My reading of inscriptions on kilik

Argonauts. Though in the given Encyclopedia some images came across me, however not all from them was enough high quality for scanning. This time to me the image on kilik with the red drawings 490-485 years from Durries, stored in the Vatican museum of Rome has attracted. Critics gave such attribution: a Dragon protecting a gold fleece. Jason and Athena. The truth, the image not so large, however to make out necessary details nevertheless it is possible, fig. 2.

In the beginning I read an inscription formed by teeth of a dragon, and all over again it goes dark marks on a light background, then on the contrary and consequently I pay colors. The inscription says: IT IS JASON (СЕ Ясон) AND THE DRAGON. Thus word СЕ is written by runica, the rest - by Cyrillic. Here I was struck with that the letter Я which as believe modern paleographers, has arisen very much late from so called YIUS BIG is superb traced. On the spot we see Cyrillic of the beginning of the fifth century B.C., almost for 1400 up to Cyril. As a matter of fact, the problem has ripened already enough for a long time, and the given texts put us before a dilemma: or Cyrillic has the same age or even more ancient letter in comparison with the Greek alphabet (that at once casts a shadow on authority Cyril), or is right A.T. Fomenko, and all “antiquity” is created in the Western Europe in Renaissance and then authority of Cyril is rescued, but the Western Revival becomes epoch of Great Forgeries. It is poorly both that and another. But also, both in antiquity, and in Revival the Grak-Slavic state somehow is badly entered. In a word, presence of well generated letter Я at ancient Greeks of the classical period put last point above in a question of occurrence of Cyrillic - this alphabet has arisen UP TO the given period (probably, in previous archaic).

A year before I didn’t know the name of the Cyrillic script before St. Cyril. Now I know it because I could read it on a small statuette which was made 200 thousand years ago. The name was as follows: THE RHOD’S RUNES, or THE RUNES OF RHOD.

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