
Расшифровка славянского слогового и буквенного письма

Декабрь 12, 2007

Revolution in philosophy

Автор 23:24. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Revolution in philosophy

Epilogue of the editor-in-chief

In leaving already in history 2006 the international work «About a know-how of the concept of G.A. Yugaj about sources of the Korean civilization » was published in Moscow. He is designated as first of a series «Eurasian (Russian and central-Asian) sources of a world civilization » with signature stamps of Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Science and the Tashkent state institute of oriental studies. By lips of V.V. Tyan our person whose jubilee is celebrated, is presented of the composer and the editor-in-chief of the first release, the doctor of historical sciences as the outstanding personality and the ingenious scientist. I, as the nearest colleague and the friend very closely cooperating with the person of jubilee within many decades, shall dare to agree not absolutely with such estimation and to express more objective, in my opinion, and more modest relation to G.A. Yugaj. Somehow V.I. Lenin has characterized L. Feuerbach that he is bright, but not deep. Restructuring this idea, it is possible to tell, that G.A. Yugaj is not bright, but deep.


Март 13, 2007

What is the Difference between the pre(proto)-Slavic and Slavic Tribes?

Автор 16:32. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

What is the Difference between the pre(proto)-Slavic and Slavic Tribes?

V.A. Chudinov

Really, what is the difference between Slavic, Pre-Slavic and Proto-Slavic tribes? The brightest feature of every ethnic is its language. The modern comparative linguistics gives very simple answer on this question: there are 5 stages of development of every language: modern, old, stage of the common-language unity, pre-language and proto-language. For Slavic languages: modern languages, one so called Old-Slavic, one Common-Slavic (unified for West, East and South Slavs) and therefore one Pre-Slavic (a real language separated from the Indo-European one) and one Proto-Slavic (a dialect of Indo-European one). The Old Slavic existed in X century AD, the Common-Slavic was in fifth, the Pre-Slavic in Antiquity and the Common-Indo-European with its dialects including Proto-Slavic was in Bronze epoch. That all is very transparent.


Февраль 27, 2007

Russian Texts on the Ancient Greek Vessel Drawings

Автор 05:21. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Russian Texts on the Ancient Greek Vessel Drawings

Chudinov Valery


Russian texts on the Ancient Greek vessel drawings were revealed. The drawings were taken from the Mythology Encyclopedia (in two volumes) where were copied the outlook of the Ancient Greek vessels as illustration to the Greek myths. The Russian words were constructed from the different signs (mainly in Cyrillic) of drawing details, for example of the hero’s hair curlicues, of the clothes’ folds, of the boot-stripes and so on. On a drawing was written the name of the Ancient Greek state: “Grako-Sclavinova Derzhava”, i.e. “Greek-Sclavin State”. It means that so called “Ancient Hellada” was not pure Hellenes State, but mixed, composing of great bulk of Slavs (Graks and Sclavines). From these drawings Russian texts we can obtain additional information about the Greek mythology (for example, what was the matter not to take by Theseus the Minas daughter Ariadna) as well as about some ethnics and geographical names (for example: Theseus was a Slav). All the texts were written in Russian, the ancient language of international communication.


The VOYDI Stone

Автор 04:57. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

The VOYDI Stone

(a passage from my letter to Slovenian professor Anton Perdih)

V. Čudinov

Dear professor Perdih. Thank you for your letter which I have recently received with a photo of a small stone (unfortunately I don’t know its dimensions). On the first look it is a surface of a right foot of a man (with no toes) where there is an inscription, and you are quite correct to attribute its script as Runica. The inscription stounes-r.gif is traditional, VOYDI, that means ENTER! It is interesting to mark that in Medieval time in Russia instead of ENTRANCE on the threshold of a building was written ENTER (the verb in imperative instead of a noun). I wish to mark that in my book “Runica and the secrets of Russ archaeology” on the page 285, Fig. 208 we see the same inscription VOYDI on the threshold of the Uspenski cathedral in Rjazan, stounes-r.gif, but with some inclination to the left. It is the level of traditional investigation — the macroscopic description of the object.


About the probable writing of Koreans

Автор 04:44. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке


About the probable writing of Koreans

V.A. Chudinov

As known the Korean is a language from the Altai languages family. So from the point of view of the Russian Linguistic Encyclopedia Dictionary «from the various hypotheses of the genetic relationship of the Korean the most popular is so called the Altai one, the representations of which being based on the phonetic coordination, structural similarity and etymological data whether derivate the Korean (sometimes with the Japan) from the Tungus-Manchzhur branch or determine as a special branch separated earlier than other, near the 3000 years BC»1. The Altai family today includes Turks, Mongols, Tungus-Manchzhur, Korean and Japan languages. But some investigators note that now there are great difficulties before the reconstruction of the Altai pra-language that makes the hypothesis about the relationship of the Altai languages not quite grounded2. But other hypotheses are absent too.


Февраль 17, 2007

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Автор 05:07. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Chudinov Valery


The back side of the Etruscan bronze mirrors contains the drawings where there are two types of inscriptions: obvious (Etruscan) and unobvious (Russian). The latter’s were constructed from the different signs (mainly in Cyrillic) of drawing details, for example of the hero’s hair curlicues, of the clothes’ folds, of the boot-stripes and so on. Partly some words in Etruscan and in Russian coincident in sence, and it give us seldom possibility to take the exact translation of an Etruscan word into Russian, the ancient language of international communication. The Etruscan language can be estimate as East Slavic one, resembling the Belarusian. Its name was “Etrusetska mova”, i.e. “Etruscan language”. From the Etruscan mirrors (which were the caricatures on the Roman State) we can obtain important political information about other states, mayor of which were Slavic, for example Phrygia, Frakia, Misia, Greek land, Samo and so on. We can pay attention on the chronological shift between the events in Etruria and ones in the other Slavic countries in approximately 950 years (i.e. third century BC for Etruria corresponds the middle of the seventh century AD for the other countries). We can see as well the linguistic features of the Etruscan: the strong A-pronunciation (instead of O), so called “reverse” of two sounds, absence of some vowels etc.


Five Inscriptions on the Bronze Things. Are they Venetian?

Автор 02:49. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Five Inscriptions on the Bronze Things. Are they Venetian?

Choodeenov Valery

To Venetian were referred 5 inscriptions on the bronze things the drawings of which we can see in the article of Andrey Rant [1, p. 189-190], although the archaeologists suggested that these things were of the bronze epoch. In connection with it comes a question about possibility of existing of Venetians in such remote in time period as the Bronze Age (3-2 thousand years BC). I suppose that it is quite possible and that in this period the language of Venetians was perfectly developed (to the stage AB or maybe A). To estimate the stage more exactly we have to read the inscriptions and see the composition of the words. It is doubtfully to reveal here the main criterion, the verb TO BE in the III-d person, such word is usual absent. But we can use if our reading would lucky the additional criterion, for example the word VRH. If we can find the word in the form VRH, it will be the A-stage, in the form VERH/VERHЪ, then it could be B-stage, in the form VEREH/VEREHЪ we can estimate the C-stage. Although these inscriptions were written by Runica we can distinguish tree types of writing in its first and second signs. The A-stage has to manifest itself in Runica signs as VИ, the second B-stage as <И, the third C-stage as <Ь.


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