
Расшифровка славянского слогового и буквенного письма

Февраль 17, 2007

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Автор 05:07. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

P.P. Oreshkin's readings. Among representatives of a Slavic direction in Etruscology in the beginning was not Russian person but when they have appeared, the situation has changed. It is difficult to tell, in what side, as the reality always very different. Those voluntary epigraphists with which works I have got acquainted, it is impossible to attribute to number of scientists, they are enthusiasts who wrote briefly, but very keen, and were possessed by idea of that all Etruscan were Russian. At the same time, their any approaches appeared rather fruitful. One of them was Peter Petrovich Oreshkin (1933-1987) which has finished in 1962 literary institute in Moscow. In 1984 has issued in Rome the book under the name “Roma phenomenon. Russian from the immemorial time” where has offered some methods of reading and etymology texts of the most different origin. He did not assume, that will offer surprisingly seductive technique of very easy reading of ancient texts. So easy, that to it everyone may seize. Actually, his technique appeared incorrect though some values of Etruscan sounds he has guessed correctly.

Now we shall consider a situation in which occurs terrible being MENEOKA, showing tongue – namely so, MENEOKA, read P.P. Oreshkin a standard inscription which in classical Etruscology read as MENRVA. The question is the image on an Etruscan mirror where it is possible to see the naked young man and the woman with a spear, declined above the cut off head. The head really shows tongue. On the image there are two obvious Etruscan inscriptions. Now we shall ask to speak of P.P. Oreshkin: “From the right to the left we see inscription VEDME. The inscription on the right in the given transcription represents special interest: from left to right it is read AKOENEM. All inscription is read the WITCH DAMNED (here the word WITCH is a masculine gender). Figure represents destruction of a witch, but this WITCH is werewolf, as well as an inscription. Here too there is inversion MENEOKA that is CHANGING, sometime MONEY-CHANGER. However SICKLE in a hand, LEG, bent in a knee (at the left below), SIGN on a leg, HARE EARS on a knee, HARE HEAD (on the right), BOWLER, the SPEAR may be not only letters, but also alchemical SYMBOLS during preparation of the potion destroying MENEOKA (ОRЕ, s. 16). I have given reading of Oreshkin the image of a mirror as VEDME and MENEOKA.

P.P. Oreshkina's and mine reading inscriptions on a bronze mirror

Fig. 6. P.P. Oreshkina's and mine reading inscriptions on a bronze mirror

So, the first Etruscan word is actually ШЕДСЛЕ (SHEDSLE), that is literally GONE, the PASSER - BY, but not at all VEDME. And the second Etruscan word was not at all frightened AKOENEM-MENEOKA, but ЖЕНЕДКА (ZHENEDKA) that is WOMAN. The cloth crease under the right hand of the young man are read as THAT IS AN ETRUSCAN, and “natural” anatomic figure on a breast is read HAS CREATED, creases under the left hand form a word ROME. On bowler and under a bend of the right knee it is possible to read AND HE IT, and folds of a raincoat behind of legs form word РУШИТЬ (CAN DESTROY). The tattoo on the cut off leg says КОЛ (STAKE), and the left half of cut off head (from the spectator on the right) is read as IN ROME.

Thus, AN ETRUSCAN PASSER-BY knows that is doing: AN ETRUSCAN HAS CREATED ROME, AND HE IS TO DESTROY IT. A STAKE INTO ROME! As if to the woman crease on her dress, they explain that she is from ROME, and the line of lines at a level of her foot all over again from left to right (a preposition ON), and then from right to left form the text НА ЭТРУСИЮ ПОМОШЬ, differently THE WOMAN OF ROME has risen TO THE ETRUSCAN AID. So there is not any situation of creation of a medicine against MANIOKA. On the contrary, tongue has put out Rome. It also is threatening with danger.

Before us again is a political caricature to Rome; I am shaken with Russian words: AN ETRUSCAN HAS CREATED ROME, AND HE IS TO DESTROY IT. A STAKE INTO ROME! With other words, Etruscans believed that hold a situation under their control when helped Rome to grow and to arm. Probably, they have overestimated their child which having become independent, not only has taken authority in its hands, but also has forbidden eventually (at Caesar) to Etruscans (as well as to other Slavic peoples) to write on their native language and alphabets. They could write only in Latin, and only in a roman script.

As we see P.P. Oreshkin, as well as his predecessors, too composes, in this case already in Etruscan language. So he is the visionary as well for from two words he has read both incorrectly. I believe, that if he fixed all the same even not simply sounding, but parts of speech and grammatical realities (the person of a verb, a case of a noun), he would not make elementary mistakes and could promote a little bit further.

And now we shall check up the alphabet offered by us on a number of examples.

Mirror from Vulchi. This bronze mirror from Vulchi of IV centuries BC as though with the image of Kalhas is rather known and is given as light lines on a black background. Listing plots of mirrors, G.I. Sokolov are marked, that “on the other mirror from Vulchi, assemblies of Vatican, priest Kalhas in shape of a terrible demonic essence is declined on interiors thrusted victims, studying them and determining the Heavens omens (JUICE, with. 164). Obviously, word KALHAS is reading a single inscription from left to right, that is the first arrow is read as K, and the second - as X (KH). That KALHAS is a priest, “devil”, and also that he was declined above bodies of thrusted victim there is an interpretation of figure, instead of the mythological data. However at R. Block is represented on an insert the photo of mirror crude from a dirty with very thin cut engraving; here we meet a little bit other interpretation: “78. A bronze mirror from Vulchi. Khalkas is studying a liver of a victim. About 400 BC. Vatican Museum (БЛО, s. 188). Here, on the contrary, the first arrow is read as X (KH), the second as K. Such is the classical reading.

I read САКЛАУ (SAKLAU). But does the word САКЛАУ exist in Russian? – No, It is not present. But there is a close word, СОКЛАЛ (SOKLAL). That is in regional dialects it is possible to hear words СКЛАЛ and ПОКЛАЛ from verbs СКЛАСТЬ and ПОКЛАСТЬ. From these verbs there are also derivative words: the СКЛАСТЬ-СКЛАД (WAREHOUSE), ПОКЛАСТЬ-ПОКЛАЖА (LOAD). Other business, those now verb СКЛАСТЬ is superseded by a verb TO COMBINE and the stylistics recommend to tell us Я СЛОЖИЛ (I HAVE COMBINED), instead of Я СКЛАЛ. But word СКЛАЛ or СОКЛАЛ is quite Russian, Slavic.

A mirror from Vulchi about ostensibly priest Kalhas

Fig. 7. A mirror from Vulchi about ostensibly priest Kalhas

Thus, we have all bases to write down word САКЛАЎ (U brief as in Byelorussian) as Etruscan one with value HAS COMBINED. Thus as we see, the difference between Etruscan and Russian sounding does not exceed a difference between Russian and Byelorussian that is Etruscan language on the one hand is not Russian (and a number of researchers insisted on it), but Slavic, and on the other hand, it is quite accessible to studying with the help of such Slavic language as Russian is.

Let's note also, that meanwhile the word САКЛАУ is our working hypothesis which is necessary either to confirm or to deny. For check it is necessary to read all other words in the given figure of Etruscan mirror. But if our check will confirm a hypothesis, it will mean at once not only absence of name КАЛХАС or ХАЛКАС, but also absence of a priest, no less than a guessing on a liver for something differently it would be written on the mirror like НАГАДАУ.

And on Etruscan it will be not СОКЛАЛ, but САКЛАЎ. First of all, it means A-spelling, as in modern Byelorussian language. The newspaper at Byelorussians referred to as SAVETSKA BYELARUS that is the SOVIET BYELORUSSIA, the surname of the NIGHTINGALE (SOLOVEY) is written on as САЛАВЕЙ. But also past time of a verb the Byelorussian persons write through У, is more exact – through Ў, for example, about the publication that it was РЭЦЭНЗАВАЎ, ЗМЯШЧАЎ and ДРУКАВАЎ that is REVIEWED, PLACED and PRINTED. Hence, if the Byelorussian has read word САКЛАЎ, he would be not surprised at all as it is necessary to write namely so.

What we see on the image really and what inscriptions appeared implicit? First of all shall try to define a subject, which main character holds in a hand. It is not heart and not a liver, and an insole which he tries to enclose in a pair of the wooden boots standing on a working table of a workshop (only a working table has inclined legs for the best emphasis). I am surprised why anybody up to me has not guessed this simple and obvious idea. Boots are shown in a structure by socks from the main character, but of heels to him. Today such breed of footwear refers to as SABO. For this reason he is spoking: HAS COMBINED (an insole with a boot).

But in that case it is possible to read that is written on an insole, the word ETRUSIA with a preposition S (With). And on boots the word of ROME is traced. So all is together united in a sentence САКЛАУ С ЭТРУЗИЯ РИМ that is HAS COMBINED ROME WITH ETRURIA. We see that after a preposition “With” the Nominative case is used, and in the rest from Russian it is not enough special differences. But the word of ROME can be read and on cloth creases, on its fringing. Thus, any priest КАЛХАСА is not present as an angel with wings; it is Rome which serves itself with boots. But as an insole he wants to put Etruria. The plot of the given caricature to Rome is those.

However the given sentence repeats, though in another order: on a right wing it is possible to read words of ROM S ETRUSIA SAYEDINIU that is ROME HAS CONNECTED WITH ETRURIA. From this sentence I can gather confirmation to the understanding of word САКЛАУ as HAVE COMBINED. One more synonym now is read, HAS CONNECTED. Thus, word САКЛАУ is read quite right. This implies, that arrow was read doubly: in middle of a word as K, or even КЬ (syllabic value), whereas on the end of a word is those - as. So in middle of a word there is more ancient syllabic reading, but on the end the younger alphabetic reading is kept. Thus are right as Etruscologists of classical direction as G.S. Grinevich (who had suggested a syllabic reading). As if to reading of У, the arrow designates not vowel of full formation semivowel Ў.

The third sentence is found at reading lines on the negative person of the Rome - bearded man. Here it is possible to read words WORKSHOP OF MARA (letter Ы are an eye and an eyebrow, reflected from a horizontal mirror). And hair of a beard and moustaches in the positive image can be read as a word SKILFUL. It is already present jeer - ostensibly the person of Rome is a skilful product of workshop of Mara (Slavic goddess of death) that is on the person of Rome the seal of the goddess of death is visible. Hence, Rome as an angel with wings just about will die. Such have to be consequences of entry of Etruria to Rome under the insisting of Rome in opinion of Etruscans. As we see, on one obvious word it was necessary to write10 implicit words. And the main thing is that the sense of a caricature is absolutely other, there is not any scene of a haruspic guessing on a liver or on a heart, so we see only absence of skill to read that has resulted in completely fantastic interpretation of the given stage by investigators of art.

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