
Расшифровка славянского слогового и буквенного письма

Февраль 17, 2007

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Автор 05:07. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

But who is the last from the grooms? First of all we know the crease at brushes of hands have a lot of information; a fragment near the left brush at its turn on 90 degrees to the right gives the text traced from right on the left; at it with a normal turn word РС that is РУСЬ, traced by runica, and then the word ВOСТОЧНА is read all over again. Thus sitting young men is represented as EAST RUS. It would be very curious to understand, which namely the geographical region or ethnos was understood in times of Etruscans as East Russia. Our curiosity may be satisfied with the answer which is written in a literal sense on a breast: reading it from right to left from a head and the left shoulder of the young man up to his right shoulder, we get the word КРИВИЧИ. This result is completely unexpected; it turns out, that whether KRIVICHI lived in antiquity, in times of Etruscans, or as a number of researchers believes, historians cut out one millennium from a history of Europe, so real III century AD might fall to histories of the Western Europe on the VII century BC of conditional antique history, and KRIVICHI quite might know Etruscans, and Etruscan might know KRIVICHI. With other words, East Russia as follows from the given inscriptions was understood as later Byelorussia - Lithuania, but not the future Moscovia. And, at last, extreme important is the short inscription on a field of attire on a right hip; at turn on 90 degrees to the right the word HOUSE there is read. Whether means it, what as the HOUSE Etruscans understood East, White Russia of KRIVICHI? In that case it would explain as A-spelling as explosive sounds such as DZ, and the ending of verbs on U brief. Moreover, on crease under knees it is possible to read words СЕ A and НАШ (OURS). A phrase turns out КРИВИЧИ: СЕ A НАШ ДОМ - ВОСТОЧНА РУСЬ, that is KRIVICHI: IT (IS) OUR HOUSE, EAST RUSSIA.

In any case East Russia was understood, probably, as Baltic lands and a part of the grounds to the east from it. But if KRIVICHI appeared as the HOUSE of Etruscans then it is clear why Etruscan from Crete ОТШИВАЕТ (THROW OUT) of the Greek or why KRIVICH EXPECTS: the OWN is always more preferable than another's. Hence, from the given figure follows, that despite in spite of the certain advantages at the Greeks, connected with Trojan war and with city of Priam, a hand of Romanbride” most likely will be given to the Etruscan from Crete. We shall notice, as Greeks, as both Etruscans and KRIVICHI in this figure are considered as allies of Rome and even compete with each other, achieving more and more close affinity to this whimsical “bride”.

For me relationship of the Etruscans with KRIVICHI and furthermore the understanding of East Russia as HOME of Etruscans was revelation. It turned out, that not only on A-spelling and DZ-spelling the Etruscan language reminded Byelorussian, but namely Etruscans were natives of East Russia so their language may be with good reason enlisted in group of East Slavic languages alongside with Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian. And as the Ukrainian language is O-spelling, and in Byelorussian A-spelling is shown more strongly than in Russian (and there is YA-spelling as well, for example the Russian word DEVUSHKA (A GIRL) pronounces as DZYAUCHINA), the Etruscan language appears most closely to Byelorussian.

In the given text where on three obvious words we could find out 18 implicit, reading letters Ш and Ж was confirmed and revealed that reception of a reverser on Etruscan inscriptions is rather actual, due to what each word becomes a rebus. Thus there is an impression, that similar reversers were done meaningly that Romers might not understand the contents of the Etruscan texts which were directed just against Romers. And so far as they applied graphic allegory, and also pictocryptography, they naturally should take care of elementary protection of the obvious text as well, one of which ways is served with a reverser.

The fourth Etruscan mirror. Here Oreshkin is short: “Up is ЗВДАН, APPOINTMENT. At the left ЕВИНА, WAS. On the right - the same МЕNЕОКА in shape of the guard of a next world; the inscription, however, is read MENLE, that definitely MONEY-CHANGER. It confirms also figure. MENEOKA-AKOENEM it is quickly interested in enters balls which the woman has hidden in a sleeve. Speech, probably, goes about their exchange for minutes of appointment (ОРЕ, с. 23). Here except for word ЗВДАН I can not agree with Oreshkin in anything. First of all, money-changers do not go in a helmet, in an armour and with a sword so in figure the soldier is represented, instead of money-changer. Probably, he offers to the woman opposite one more bracelet from spheres, but in any way is not interested in her spheres, and she of nothing hides in a sleeve. It is false treatment of a graphic plot. Also there is no MENEOKA. The first Etruscan word is familiar to us, ЗВДАН which was pronounced, probably, ЗВиДАН. But farther I change reading of Oreshkin for another. So, instead of ЕВИНА I read two words Е ВИНА (IT IS A FAULT), and the second word is not finished and I find its continuation on a ringlet of the right woman, and this ringlet should be turned on 180 degrees and then to proceed to the left and here there is already nothing to turn. Then the end of a phrase is read: ВАТА Я Е that is all phrases will be Е ВИНАВАТА Я, Е! (I AM GUILTY, I AM!) With other words, I AM GUILTY, GUILTY! Moreover, about this guilty woman who is taking place in figure at the left, it is possible to read the small explanatory. We immediately find out it, having considered creases going along back of the woman (I turn this fragment on 90 degrees to the right). There is read here TO ЭТРУСКА, and the creases under a hand, beginning from a back and along a breast, mean НО НЕ ЭТРУЗИИ, and hardly below, on a belt near the left hand - A ЛАЦИ И; at last, crease on a knee of the left hip, from right to left, as word ТОСКАНИИ. Seeing the words ЛАЦИ and ЭТРУЗИИ we can guess that these words are Etruscan ones. So, the sentence is THAT IS AN ETRUSCAN WOMAN, BUT NOT FROM ETRURIA, FROM LATIUM AND TOSCANIA, and Etruscans lived in a number of the geographical places populated by Latins.

A mirror with the soldier and two women and my reading of inscriptions

Fig. 10. A mirror with the soldier and two women and my reading of inscriptions

On a hem at the central character the name is written: АПУЛЕЯ. Probably, it is connected by the origin to a geographical place Apulia. However who exactly was of Apulia on ethnic origin is visible from the explanatory formed creases of a fabric on a belt if to turn a belt on 90degrees to the right. Then three letters there will be located in a column one above another, the others near to them. The word is read as РИМЛЯНКА (ROMAN WOMAN). Thus Apulia is the Roman (living in Rome) woman.

Creases under a belt on hips of the Roman women form words С ВОСТОКА (FROM THE EAST), but they concern, probably, to the soldier; fabrics near which left hand at turn on 90 degrees to the left form words ТО ЭТРУСИН (THAT IS AN ETRUSCAN). So, before us is not simply the soldier, but he is AN ETRUSCAN FROM THE EAST. The preposition further follows U which, probably, concerns already to the following phrase readable in the same place СВОДНИ-СЛАВЯНКИ (AT PROCURESS-SLAVIC WOMAN). So, as procuress is repenting Etruscan woman, she is Slavic woman by origin and wants to take acquaintance of an Etruscan man with the Roman woman. But as she counts herself guilty, hence, the sanction to such connection of Rome and one of east Etruria she has not received. So, in the given text we see direct confirmation of our representations that Etruscan were Slavs, so it is written on the mirror though implicit.

The inscription on Etruscan on a board of the soldier says at reading from right to left: ЖЕНВЕЦ, and we immediately find out in it a word from previous mirrors E ЖеНИВеЦ that is I AM A GROOM (which there stood in genitive case), but without a designation vowel И which we shall add from ourselves, ЖеНИВеЦ. But here it is designated vowel E which drops out in a genitive case, and we have the right to write the given word completely, ЖеНИВеЦ. We shall name such form of a spelling full. And all forms of a spelling with the sounds added from us we shall name incomplete. Incomplete a spelling strongly complicate readings, however for Etruscan themselves it was clear how to read the full word.

Let's notice, that we in our writing frequently use incomplete forms too when, for example, at lecture, we write St instead of Sanctus, BC instead of Before Christ or AD instead of Anno Domini etc. (a word “etc” is the same conditional reduction). Simply one people shortens words with one method, another with another one. P.P. Oreshkin counts this reserve of one of mean tricks of Etruscan language.

Reading of inscriptions in the bottom part of the same mirror

Fig. 11. Reading of inscriptions in the bottom part of the same mirror

A number of creases, however, has remained is not read. They are clothes creases on a hem and figure of lacing on sandals. First of all we read creases of a hem of the left character. Two very important words for Etruscan language are read here: they are a name ЭТРУСЕТСКА МОВА. Though they are written by Cyrillic, their language is Etruscan one, and they mean as it is easy to guess ETRUSCAN LANGUAGE. Traditional Cyrillic is possible to write two Ukrainian words as well, namely УКРАIНЬСКА МОВА that just means the UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE. This word MOVA exists in Byelorussian language too. We shall notice, that in Etruscan writing of word ETRUSETSKA the combination of TS is transferred as Ц (letter T with a skew of a roof to the right), that is as ЭТРУСЕЦКА so here we have a Russian spelling of Etruscan word. It is again Etruscan –Russian pidgin, VOLSCE (it is not OBSCE e.g. ОБЩЕ-, ALL-RUSSIAN, but of VOLEVA RUS, e.g. OF FREE EURASIA), but already it is shown that are written by Cyrillic the Etruscan words.

Generally speaking that we sooner or later shall find out a word designating Etruscan language, it was obvious. And variants at it were two: whether a word LANGUAGE (or ЕЗИК, as it is on Bulgarian), or MOVA. The second variant was realized, that besides pulls together э Etruscan with such East Slavs as Ukrainian and Byelorussian. At the same time, the name was designated of that we research in investigated language: it is ЭТРУСЕТСКА МОВА (ETRUSETSKA MOVA). The truth, all the same remains small probability of that the given word collocation is written not on Etruscan, but in commenting Russian

Hardly more to the right it is possible to read a word TO (THAT) (from right to left), the bottom of a hem and bow on lacing of a sandal of the right leg is a recurrence of word МОВА (LANGUAGE), and on similar lacing on the right leg we see the words ТРУДНА, НО РОДНА (IS DIFFICULT, BUT NATIVE). Thus, the sentence of the common character is received, ЭТРУСЕТСКА МОВА - ТО ТРУДНА МОВА, НО РОДНА (ETRUSCAN LANGUAGE IS A DIFFICULT LANGUAGE, BUT NATIVE). We shall notice, that Cyrillic spelling of Etruscan words gives the invaluable information on real sounding this speech for here there are no conditional reductions and rearrangements of letters as in Etruscan spelling. Further words are read on one line, since lacing stops at a level right of the left character: МОВА БО ЖИВА В РОДНОЙ ЭТРУЗИИ (AS THE LANGUAGE IS ALIVE IN NATIVE ETRURIA), that it is possible to translate as FOR LANGUAGE IS ALIVE IN NATIVE ETRURIA. Thus, Etruscan areas of Latium and Tuscany are understood as procuress in the broad sense of the word as artful and first of all a mercenary connector of peoples with Rome, including Etruscans, but Etruscans are glad to that in native Etruria, despite of the Roman sovereignty, Etruscan language continues to live all the same.

Let's pay attention to the conjunction: the conjunction BUT as well as in Russian, there is a coordinating one, but oppose on character whereas conjunction БO is the subordinating conjunction, having wide sense: FOR, AS, BECAUSE. We shall take into account it at work above other texts.

From the point of view of a ratio of the obvious and implicit text the situation repeats: on three obvious words in figure is present 37 implicit. Perhaps, it is the longest text from all read. From this it is possible to draw a curious conclusion: BASIC TEXT OF ETRUSCAN MIRRORS IS WRITTEN IMPLICITLY.

As to features of Etruscan spelling we here have seen existence of sound Е in word ЖЕНИВЕЦ whereas the letter И here was absent. With other words, Etruscans prefer to write incomplete forms there where they are sure in correct reading.

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