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Февраль 17, 2007

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Автор 05:07. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

The second Etruscan bronze mirror. Certainly, the choice of samples for research can be any, however as the second example I have preferred rather interesting case where in Italian spelling there are written already more words, but besides it is very well visible as Etruscans were able to play with letters doing the words completely not readable. I borrowed this example from P.P. Oreshkin's book (ОРЕ, with 25)

My reading of inscriptions on one of bronze mirrors

Fig. 8. My reading of inscriptions on one of bronze mirrors

Here is an opinion of P.P .Oreshkin about this inscription: On the inscription on the right all letters are revolved aside, opposite to a direction of the letter (“mean trick-system”). The inscription is read from right to left, from the external side of a circle: УСТАНАСИ, it IS TIRED. At the left: СИНиВЦА. All inscription is read СИНиВЦА УСТАНАСИ, the TITMOUSE IS TIRED. As we see the man and woman do not aspire to catch a bird, fasterthey wish to support it! To the TITMOUSE at Etruscans the important role was removed. It was the BLUE BIRD, Bird of Happiness bringing in paradise (Etruscan AIRUM) the dead souls (ОРЕ, with. 25). Oreshkin holds back that he reads word СИНиВЦА from left to right, that in this word on his data one have to read follows not Ц, but З (that is СИНВЗА) and that in the second “word” the average letter is И, and penultimate - not С, but Г, that is УСТАИАГИ. So it is really written in that sequence which was offered by him СИНВЗА УСТАИНАГИ, that it is not meaningful.

In my opinion, on the right it is written two words which are read from left to right: after the letter И goes ligature from P and A which follows by И so all word is entirely read as ИГРАЙ (PLAY), the imperative form of a verb from TO PLAY. As if to the second word it can be written down so: FAФCY. This word can be read differently. P.P. Oreshkin reads it from right to left as УСТА (LIPS), but from left to right it will be read АСТУ where A of it does not perceived as ligature. If to connect his alphabet and to read letter F as K, word КАТСУ will turn out which is not meaningful in Russian. Basing on Venetian dictionary, it would be necessary to read ВАБЦХ; on Peshich - ВАФСХ or ВАФКХ, on Zhunkovich - ФАЙЦТ, on Wolanski - ЧАФ (?)ШИ, under the classical alphabet - ВАФЦИ. All these decisions do not allow reading the given word which, probably, is read only ЧАШЧИ that means more often. With other words, in Etruscan language there was sound Щ, but it sounded approximately how in Russian dialect of Odessa, as ШЧ (SHCH).

Nevertheless, reading PLAY MORE OFTEN appears unchecked and demands confirmation or a refutation. I believe that it is discovered in the left inscription which is read not simply. If to read it from right to left it is isolated АЗ and B, then it is necessary to turn all inscription on 180 degrees and after И to read Г which simultaneously has above hardly appreciable eyelet that is it appears at the same time and letter Р, and a little above it is possible to find letters A and X. At last, all comes to an end with the letter C in the given inscription. So, expression АЗ В ИГРАХ С (I AM IN GAMES WITH) turns out. It is not completed, but from unit of clothes it is possible to subtract a word ROME. Thus, all phrases may be understood as I AM IN GAMES WITH ROME. At last, a head of a bird (it is better to turn to the right on 90 degrees) the hollow between a head and a wing, and hands of the young man and the woman together with a tail of a bird form three letters, a word RIM (ROME). So, the bird is Rome, the young man is in games with it, and the woman encourages his game, speaking PLAY MORE OFTEN. It is necessary to find out, who is who.

The bush under young men is read on the right from below upwards, then from the top downward on the left, образую phrase АЗ Е ЭТРУЗИЯ that is I AM ETRURIA.

Then it is possible to read words on wings of “angel”, they say on a distant wing ROME, ETRUSCAN, PEACE GAME. Thus, the young man is a Roman Etruscan, and he plays with Rome quite peacefully. Thus the second figure on Etruscan language is thematically close to the first where in quality of an “angel” a Roman Etruscan acts too, but more adult. A little lower, on wing closer to the spectator we see words СИЛЬНАЯ СОТВОРНИЦА (STRONG CO-CREATOR), words, as well as the previous words on wings, Russian are traced. They, obviously, concern to the woman, but who is she? We find out her name, having read an inscription on several places of her dress. First of all, the bottom of the right sleeve contains inscription ИТАЛИА (ITALIA), further on a belt is read ТРАКИЯ, that is THRACE, lower is word СКЛАВИА, that is the country SKLAVINOV is below possible to read, on a stool rather intricate zigzags write word МЕСИЯ, that is MOESIA, at last, on a fringe of her dress word ЭТРУЗИА, that is ETRURIA is possible to read. This list of the states is rather important, not so much for check of alphabetic reading, how many for understanding of the Roman history - as it seems to me; all the state without exception were Slavic. Only ИТАЛИА (ITALY) might have the mixed structure of the population, Latin-Slavic. With other words, the South of Apennine peninsula represented Latium which was gradually belonged to Rome, in its Northwest there was Etruria, in Northeast - Italy (Oscs, Umbrs), in the North of the Balkan settled down Thrace (and in the south was Grako-Sclavin state). Even to the north, in territory of modern Romania Moesia settled down. Here the mixed Dace-Slavic population too lived. As follows from the given figure, all together they appeared STRONG CO-CREATORS of Rome that is the countries which have created Rome; later all of them appeared occupied by Rome. And same fate has comprehended Etruria.

As far as it is possible to understand the represented plot, the bird is a symbol of freedom. It was created as by Etruscan from Rome as all Etruria and all the Slavic countries. However freedom is only game in which play Etruscans with pleasure; she is a departing bird. So Rome against which all are directed Etruscan graphic plots, enables to Etruscans only to play freedom, but to not use to it really. Nevertheless, peace games with Rome were encouraged by Etruria.

In this plot a ratio of obvious and implicit words other: 6 words are traced obviously and 16 are implicit; and though the ratio for the benefit of implicit is not so such striking, as in the first example it is implicitly written about three times more words than implicitly nevertheless. But here reading letters F = ЧЪ, Y = И and Ф = Ш is shown, and also examples of ligature drawing up. Besides it is seen as in the obvious text puts implicit, making some letters in a word and being the word written after an obvious preposition.

The third bronze mirror. In its occasion P.P. Oreshkin writes: “On the top (from right to left): ЗВаТЕ ЗОВУТ ТЕБЯ (CALL YOU). At the left (from the top downward) A ЦО ЖЦЕ – AND WHAT IS THAT? On the right (to the left): АМ ТИ АДЕВ НЕМ ЯД (IN IT IS POISON!) All inscriptions are read: CALL YOU. AND WHAT IS THAT? IN IT IS POISON! The young man (on the right) obviously somehow aspires to warn about it a beard man, but that, probably, does not see and not hear him: at the left - Living, on the right - Died, and on a hand at him it IS DRESSED already ON A BRACELET (ОРЕ, with. 47). Figure is on the spot placed also. How may sit died, having thrust a finger into a mouth and looking in all eyes on present, it is conducted only by Oreshkin. Reading A ЦО ЖЦЕ is impossible, for according Oreshkin it is necessary to read A ЗО ЗЗЕ. And instead of АМ it is necessary to read AЖ, so the given researcher contradicts to itself. The inscriptions in frames I have turned mirror, however tracing ЗЪ have left without change. A word at the left really can to read as ЗВЕТ, through З and with a reverser as it was made by P.P. Oreshkin, or trough ЗВТЕ, but if to accept reading ЗВДАН = СВИДАНИЕ (APPOINTMENT) that is to admit vocalization C before B up to З then the initial word (up to vocalization) should be СВТЕ that corresponds to Russian word MATCHMAKERS (СВАТЫ) faster. If this version is true, the ending of a plural number in Etruscan language will be not-И (-Ы), but -Е. Besides, if this version is true, three young men came to woo or to ask in marriage. If it so in the text on various creases there should be an explanatory whom they wish to ask in marriage. We find this explanatory: the man at the left sits on stones, and fingers of his right hand form a word ROME whereas shading on the stone top at increasing is read as the FOUNDER. So three grooms came to Rome as to the bride to ask in marriage. Understanding it as political allegory, we see, that arrangements of Rome achieve at least three countries, and it would be rather interesting to find out, who are they; almost for certain one of them should appear Etruria, and except for it even one Slavic country. Probably, it is those countries which meanwhile have not joined Rome.

My reading of an inscription N 32 on a bronze mirror

Fig. 9. My reading of an inscription N 32 on a bronze mirror

Let's begin with the left groom. In left frame below there is word АТДСТЕ where it is possible to understand, that it begins with Etruscan prefix АТ-that corresponds to Russian prefix OT-. Those it is possible to suspect a reverser of the ending -TE and to rearrange two these letters as -ET. At last, the letter C one can be apprehended in its sibilant variant as firm Ш, and between Д and Ш to put a connecting vowel И. We shall receive word АТДиШЕТ that is ОТДЫХАЕТ (HAS A REST). Really, given man sits on a stone.

On his breast I have taken out an inscription on the field on the right; it begins with letter E and one has two letters Л, written one above another. I read this inscription from left to right as ЭЛЛИН (Hellene) that is the GREEK. Thus, the Greek wishes a hand of Rome as bride that, generally speaking, is clearly; we know from a rate of a history that the culture of Rome was partly caused by culture of Greece. It is very interesting him skirt. If to read the second line of leather overlays, the word ХОРА (CHORUS) will turn out that are agricultural DISTRICTS. But a word CHORUS is Greek instead of Etruscan. But the first, top line of leather overlays may be read as two words ГОРОДА-ХРАМА (CITY – TEMPLE), at last, the bottom edge of a fringe we can reed as word ПРИАМА (OF PRIAM). I believe, however, that it is not the direct name; according “Iliad” of Homer the city of Priam was Troy. So, the Greek from Troy “has rest”, that he also would likes enter in contractual attitudes with Rome, but actively to achieve it does not want.

Now we shall consider the central groom. On the right part of a central young men breast on the right, in a column, it is possible to read words (up legs) TO (THAT), and ЭТРУСК (AN ETRUSCAN). And in area of the bent elbow of the left hand - words С КРИТА (FROM CRETE). Thus, during Trojan War of Greeks or for some centuries later indigenous population of Crete was, as the given picture says, Etruscans. So, our assumption was justified, really, one of characters was an Etruscan, but not Roman (Latin) and of Crete. As a matter of fact, a Roman Etruscan has no sense to seek in marriage for this Etruria already was part of Rome (that is Etruria became his wife). And another Etruscan state such marriage of convenience might appear rather favorable. However his position was not active; and though his behavior is not explained by the appropriate inscription, but already that he only touches are precise, speaks faster about a pray, than about matchmaking. Though the subject in his hand can be accepted and for a bracelet for the bride.

Let's notice, that he is shown against the Greek, as usually for Etruscans on the mirrors, naked, though in a raincoat; probably, it was his role.

The right character sits too, as well as the Greek; the inscription above him with Italian letters says either АЖШИАДЕ, or АНВШИАДЕ, or even АТЗШИАДЕ. The first, that occurs, this value EXPECTS. It is possible to think that here there is a reverser and to rearrange last letters that will give АЖШИАЕД or АТЗШИАЕД. At last, if to be solved on reading of first three letters as АТВ and rearrangement B after И that is on a long reverser; the word given thus can be transferred as АТШИВАЕД that is ОТШИВАЕТ where final sound T is transferred vocalized. Now it is necessary to understand, who of whom ОТШИВАЕТ; I believe, that not the right character who sits silently and observes it, but also not the Greek; the most active position has the young Etruscan men, turned with face to the Greek. Thus, Etruscan wins dispute for a hand of the Roman bride of the Greek or, from the point of view rather expressive stylistics, ОТШИВАЕТ (THROW OUT) him as the groom. With other words, for the period of creation of a mirror the preference of Rome was declined on the side of Etruscans from Crete, instead of Trojan Greeks. However, as it seems to me, this third word all the same characterizes the groom on the right, sitting with a finger in a mouth in a pose of EXPECTATION. Besides word ОТШИВАЕТ is very expressive lexicon, slang which in modern value of words included in it hardly existed in antiquity.

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