
Расшифровка славянского слогового и буквенного письма

Февраль 27, 2007

Russian Texts on the Ancient Greek Vessel Drawings

Автор 05:21. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

The common result. Reading of inscriptions on ancient Greek images is a fascinating thing. However in our case extraction of concrete results of reading for expansion of the representations about ancient Greek deities and about their mutual relation with their Slavic analogues is not our task, for it is any more not the decision of problems of decoding, but is development, for example, of comparative mythology. As if to only epigraphic problems, how it seems to me, they are executed. It already allows us to draw much more essential conclusions.

My reading of the kilik’s inscriptions

Fig. 10. My reading of the kilik’s inscriptions

First of all, Slavic writing on ancient Greek images is not the interesting assumption as it was thought at begin of investigation, not casual drawing of runica’s knots on fields of figure by the Slavic slave-handicraftsman as it seemed at the first stage, not a small number of figures on the vase executed by Slavs-masters as wrinkled runica as it has come to light some later, and not production of masters of Slavic Crete, one from many areas of ancient Greece where existed drawings on vases well executed with runica with elements of alphabetic vowels and even agreeable as it was revealed at the more late stage. It becomes now more and more clear, that Slavic inscriptions contain practically on all vessels with figures, and thus in all Greek areas. Vessels of Laconia, Durries, Apulia, Crete are considered, but the same is possible to expect and in other Greek areas and policies.

Existence of the mixed letter and (as it is surprising) existence of Cyrillic is revealed existence of runica as nodular and wrinkled letters. The last was completely unexpected for if runica there were some thousand years, and basically it might be known to ancient Greeks concerning Cyrillic all modern Slavists converged on the period of its occurrence at the end of 860, the latest - 890th years AD. Now it turns out, that Cyrillic approximately on 1400 is more senior, and, certainly, any relation to Greek missionary Constantine - Cyril has no.

It is possible to speak and about more detailed things. So, there was a use of the letter Я: in structure of word Ясон (Jason) twice, in word Майя, in combinations Я ГЕРАКЛ (I AM HERACLES), Я ЛАДА (I AM LADA), Я АРТЕМИДА (I AM ARTEMIDA), I AM APHRODITE, I AM SLAV, in a word СИЛЬНАЯ (STRONG, twice) etc. Differently, not only there was this letter, but already and the pronoun Я whereas but many old Russian monuments we meet pronoun ЯЗ, and on Old Slavic - pronoun АЗ was generated. Letters Ъ and Ь, for example, in words ПРИКОВАНЪ and ЯВЬ, СИЛЬНАЯ, МОЛЬБ are met also. Letter Ы is submitted in words ЭГЕИДЫ, СЛАВЫ. There is also letter Ф in several forms in a name of the APHRODITE. There would be a letter Б in words МОЛЬБ, БЕЗ, БОГИНЯ. The letter И precisely differs from Н which anywhere does not look as N. There is no letter Э (in a word С ЭГЕИДЫ it is traced СЕГЕИДЫ) and Ц (the word ЧУЖЕСТРАНЕТС is transferred with the final ТС), letter Ч reminds Ц, is not present ЮСЫ, ФИТЫ, ИЖИЦЫ, ЯТИ, i. It turns out, that the alphabet was already generated; also that in Slavic language the sound F already was. On the other hand, on the end of firm consonants sign Ъ with rare exception it was not put. From this point of view the Greek Cyrillic (the script in Greece) stands much closer to a modern civil font, than to medieval “semi-ustav”. And language of inscriptions is very close to modern Russian (for example, at it there is a full form of adjectives). While for this purpose I do not find any explanation, for me it is the same riddle, as well as for any other researcher.

At the same time it was found out, that in 550 year BC Cyrillic looks quite generated so the period of its formation should be attributed to earlier time. As runica is more senior than any alphabetic letter, it is possible to state the assumption, as the alphabetic letter all over again was generated at Slavs, and then was already borrowed by ancient Greeks. But as researchers at Greeks carry formation of the alphabet somewhere by VIII century BC the period of formation of Cyrillic should be removed further away - to IX or even to X century BC. On the contrary, occurrence of nasal sounds might occur at the end of the first millennium AD and then might exist YUSES for their fixing.

Other assumption consists that, really, similarities between antique and modern Russian of languages was greater, than it is possible for itself to present, as in Russian many alien elements of which our language was cleared later were brought in Middle Ages because of occurrence Old Slavic language. But in any case there was the most interesting epigraphically and a language problem which demands the decision.

Anyway, but if to share sights of traditional chronology, before us opens the opportunity to read in Russian texts of 2,5-thousand-year prescription, that just in 2,5 times overcomes opportunities of texts on Old Slavic. In that case we have a unique opportunity to investigate this unusual Russian. Thus we do not get in a situation which has developed in connection with studying so called “Book of Veles” when only one researcher (which itself did not consider quite the expert), namely J.P .Miroljubov, had an opportunity to read lines of the original. Now figures ancient “Greeks” are estimated by thousand, and their images we can to find in any large library of the world. Therefore each researcher may work irrespective of another and give his variants of reading that creates very attractive prospects.

Further, the read texts have shown, that secret texts on the Greek vessels were created Russian and for Russian, that they were elements of ancient Russian culture. It sounds very unusually and impudently. But it is a trivial conclusion from the read texts. It is possible to tell stronger: so-called “Old Greek” culture is simply a component of ancient Russian culture. In such form the given statement looks than another frequently repeated jokes, that Russia is the native land of elephants, or that it is seven kilometers up to heavens, and only through a wood. Nevertheless, from the reading the texts becomes clearly, that Greece is part of Russia, namely Zhivina Rus and thus Russia is not pure place name, but Russia of Slavs, and Crete is not simply Crete, but Crete Russia. And in Aegeida such Slavs as Tesey live. But Russia is not at all everywhere; so once Russia was on Caucasus, but during Jason expedition of it has replaced its name to Sclavenida. As if to Hellada it was Greek-Slavic state.

From texts is obvious that ancient Greek gods are simply local kind of common Slavic gods, and just Slavic cryptography on “Old Greek” vessels it explains. On Crete Zeus was considered the god of Slavs, the Aphrodite carried a belt from Lelya, Artemida speaks about itself: I AM LADA, Heracles counts itself Zeus’ Hercules. And Tesey approves that he is a Slav from Aegeida. So experts in Slavic and comparative mythology are extremely interested in reading similar texts. Again it turns out, that the Slavic mythology is more senior and is more authoritative than that of ancient Greeks.

Similar researches are interesting and to critics, experts on Greek painting as they allow more precisely attribute images. So, plot Aid and Persephone at perusal of texts have come to light Aid and hetaera Rus, instead of Jason and Athena after perusal it was necessary to speak about Jason and Slavine. It is natural, that many graphic plots simply do not find direct reflection in the ancient Greek literature owing to withdrawal from it a mention of the Slavic cultural superiority. It reminds me present cleaning the Ukrainian historiography from a mention in it so-called “Moscals” (Russians as citizens of Moscovia); so prince Svjatoslav or Igor appear not governors of capital of Russia in Kiev, but as Ukrainian princes (but in those times the name Ukraine was not. The state had name “Russia”)! Moreover, an investigator, namely J.A .Shilov has composed mythical priests “Ukrs” from whom has gone, ostensibly, Ukrainian people. Only it is necessary to think up any texts of the first Russian prince Rurik on Ukrainian language and then all belonging to Russian culture will be possible to eliminate from Ukrainian history. So for the Russians it is necessary to concede a significant piece of their past to Ukrainians, and the family tree to start from XII century instead of IX. To rewrite books is possible, but the vessels which have been dug out from the ground is to edit more difficultly; certainly, also it today is possible. The Greeks have so believed in their autochthonism on the Balkan region that they have lost any vigilance. The truth, Greeks were made free and independent from Turkish domination in XIX century by all the same Russians and it in Greece for the present is remembered, but on 2, 5 thousand years at them memories do not suffice. And ancient Greece is a special country for all Europe; the west considers, what exactly Greeks have thought up both a democracy, and a civilization. And if behind all it in those times there was a Russia the big discomfiture leaves. It turns out, that all western civilization was created by Russians.

Therefore, as I believe, research of all case of ancient Greek inscriptions (that will demand the monograph, and not one) will open many nice pages of our antique history, and will show, that Russia existed not only in times 0f IX-XII centuries, but also much earlier, up to the borders of a written history of Europe. Certainly, it existed and before it, but that is already another conversation.

I think my mission executed: I have found out this huge file for the present not read documents and have shown, as they can be read, and what about the information they contain. Hardly from an epigraphist is it possible to demand the greater.

Bibliography (in Russian)

1. Myths of World’s Peoples. Encyclopedia. V. 1. Moscow, 1997

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