
Расшифровка славянского слогового и буквенного письма

Февраль 17, 2007

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Автор 05:07. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Etruscans Bronze Mirrors as Etruscan-Russian Bilinguas

Chudinov Valery


The back side of the Etruscan bronze mirrors contains the drawings where there are two types of inscriptions: obvious (Etruscan) and unobvious (Russian). The latter’s were constructed from the different signs (mainly in Cyrillic) of drawing details, for example of the hero’s hair curlicues, of the clothes’ folds, of the boot-stripes and so on. Partly some words in Etruscan and in Russian coincident in sence, and it give us seldom possibility to take the exact translation of an Etruscan word into Russian, the ancient language of international communication. The Etruscan language can be estimate as East Slavic one, resembling the Belarusian. Its name was “Etrusetska mova”, i.e. “Etruscan language”. From the Etruscan mirrors (which were the caricatures on the Roman State) we can obtain important political information about other states, mayor of which were Slavic, for example Phrygia, Frakia, Misia, Greek land, Samo and so on. We can pay attention on the chronological shift between the events in Etruria and ones in the other Slavic countries in approximately 950 years (i.e. third century BC for Etruria corresponds the middle of the seventh century AD for the other countries). We can see as well the linguistic features of the Etruscan: the strong A-pronunciation (instead of O), so called “reverse” of two sounds, absence of some vowels etc.


Five Inscriptions on the Bronze Things. Are they Venetian?

Автор 02:49. Рубрика Статьи на английском языке

Five Inscriptions on the Bronze Things. Are they Venetian?

Choodeenov Valery

To Venetian were referred 5 inscriptions on the bronze things the drawings of which we can see in the article of Andrey Rant [1, p. 189-190], although the archaeologists suggested that these things were of the bronze epoch. In connection with it comes a question about possibility of existing of Venetians in such remote in time period as the Bronze Age (3-2 thousand years BC). I suppose that it is quite possible and that in this period the language of Venetians was perfectly developed (to the stage AB or maybe A). To estimate the stage more exactly we have to read the inscriptions and see the composition of the words. It is doubtfully to reveal here the main criterion, the verb TO BE in the III-d person, such word is usual absent. But we can use if our reading would lucky the additional criterion, for example the word VRH. If we can find the word in the form VRH, it will be the A-stage, in the form VERH/VERHЪ, then it could be B-stage, in the form VEREH/VEREHЪ we can estimate the C-stage. Although these inscriptions were written by Runica we can distinguish tree types of writing in its first and second signs. The A-stage has to manifest itself in Runica signs as VИ, the second B-stage as <И, the third C-stage as <Ь.


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